(Only 100 Free Test Kits Available Per Month)

Re-energize Your Body With Life

Get Your FREE At-Home Vitamin D3 Lab Test

Discover if you’re deficient in one of the most important vitamins that your body needs to thrive in both mind and body.

 Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON!

This at-home lab also comes with a video tutorial of your results and recommendations based on your Score.

As Seen On:

What Others Are Saying About the
”At-Home Vitamin D3 Test”


Empowering Your Health With This Simple At-Home Lab Test

What Is the
Vitamin D3 Test All About?

The at-home Vitamin D3 lab test is an easy-to-do test that helps to discover & optimize the Vitamin D levels in your body. The test score shows your level of Vitamin D3 and allows you to optimize your levels.

If your Vitamin D levels are low enough to be considered a deficiency, you may experience a wide range of symptoms that include:


If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you probably don’t have the ideal level of Vitamin D3.
  • Fatigue
  • ​Not sleeping well
  • ​Bone pain
  • Aching muscles
  • ​Frequent infections
  • ​Depression
  • ​Slow wound healing
  • Bone loss
  • ​Hair loss
  • ​Muscle weakness
  • ​Loss of appetite
  • Weight gain
If you're at high risk of Vitamin D3 deficiency from insufficient sunlight exposure, weight issues, a strict vegan diet, or digestive tract health issues, this test will be a cornerstone to determining if there's a crucial need to increase your Vitamin D dosage leading you to better health and wellness.

Are You Tired of Feeling Tired?

If you’re battling constant fatigue… mood swings… or dealing with unexplained aches and pains…

Perhaps your body is trying to tell you something important.
Being in good health is like finding the right balance. Think of your body like a puzzle. Each piece has an essential role to play…

And one of these puzzle pieces is vitamin D3, often called the "sunshine vitamin." You probably already know it helps the body absorb calcium and promote bone health.

The fact is, having weak bones can be quite dangerous down the road. In reality, one of the most serious injuries is when the hip bone breaks because recovering from this kind of injury is not easy… and many times people can't live on their own afterwards.

But it doesn’t just stop there…

It's not only about making your bones strong… Vitamin D3 does much more. Vitamin D3 is a crucial nutrient for maintaining overall well-being…

It helps to boost your immune system… and impacts your mood and cardiovascular health.

Why Is the “At-Home Vitamin D3 Test” the Solution?

You will experience a stronger immune system, that will help boost overall immunity.

You may reduce your risk of heart disease by maintaining sufficient vitamin D3 levels

Vitamin D3 encourages healthy hair growth, and promotes overall hair , skin & nails wellness.

You will find that weight management becomes easier as Vitamin D3 supports your efforts.

Vitamin D3 helps maintain optimal muscle function, and enhances your mobility and active lifestyle.

You will notice an improved mood and enhanced mental well-being.

What Others Are Saying About the 
”At-Home Vitamin D3 Test”


Measuring Your 
Vitamin D3 Level

Wondering if your vitamin D3 level is low? There's only one foolproof way to find out … run a simple lab test. It's the only surefire method to know for sure where your vitamin D levels stand.

Did you know Vitamin D has also been dubbed the "immunity vitamin?"

When it comes to viruses, vitamin D boosts your defense against them…

And that doesn’t take into account the fact that Vitamin D has been linked to improved mood… more energy… and even weight management.

So, when you think about it, getting your vitamin D levels checked isn't just about knowing where you stand…

It helps you make smart choices to keep your vitamin D levels in the sweet spot. And the best way to start? A simple at-home lab test…

The FREE At-Home 
Optimal Vitamin D Test…

Our at-home Vitamin D3 lab test offers you a convenient solution that fits in with your busy schedules.

When you get our At-Home lab test, you’ll have no need to schedule appointments… visit clinics… or endure lengthy waiting times.

The test arrives at your doorstep, along with instructions that are clear and easy to follow. You can perform the test in the comfort of your home and at a time that suits you… without disrupting your daily routine.

Once the sample is collected, returning it for analysis is a straightforward process. Moreover, we deliver the results promptly; you can access them easily online too.

Once you have your test results… you can make informed changes to your lifestyle, diet, and supplements if necessary.

Why Choose Us?

At EquiLife, we go beyond traditional lab results because we believe in complete wellness solutions. 

We offer:

In-Depth Insight

EquiLife labs are designed to provide detailed and thorough information so that you can understand your health at the deepest level, allowing you to finally get to the root cause of your biggest health concerns.

Actionable Information

Testing takes the guesswork out of your health and empowers you to make informed choices about your health. Along with your lab results will be a video by Dr. Cabral which provides you with a detailed explanation.

Certified Health Coaches

To ensure you feel confident about your lab findings, at your request EquiLife offers 1-on-1 Certified Health Coaching support to review your results with you and answer any questions you may have.

What Are Others Already Saying About 
”At-Home Vitamin D3 Test”


At-Home Lab Benefits

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for numerous systems in our body. It helps our bodies regulate the absorption of calcium, which keeps our bones and muscles, including the heart, healthy and strong. Vitamin D is also vital at facilitating optimal immune system response.

Working with an EquiLife® certified Health Coach, you will be provided with an in-depth look at your current Vitamin D levels and proper supplements, diet, and lifestyle changes you can make to mitigate any potential deficiency.

Strong Bones

Healthy Immune Response

Improved Mood

Increased Energy

Weight Management

Now maybe you’re curious about me? Let me introduce myself…



I developed my passion for health & wellness after going through severe health complications at the age of 17.

I saw over 50 different doctors, tried over 100 different treatment protocols, but still saw no hope of recovery.

It wasn’t until I met an “alternative” health doctor whom explained to me how I got here and how I could become well again that I began the recovery process.

It was at this young age that I knew my life would be dedicated to helping others rebalance their bodies and renew their health.

Now, I have seen and overseen over 250,000 private client appointments through my Global Functional Medicine practice called EquiLife where we ship at-home lab tests, supplements, and wellness protocols to people all over the world. I strive to provide daily, free health education with my top ranking podcast and international best selling book, the “Rain Barrel Effect”.

Empowering Your Health With the 
Vitamin D Lab Test 

How To Get Your
FREE Optimal Vitamin D Test?

It’s as easy as 1-2-3…


1. Purchase & 

After you check out with your at-home lab, it will arrive promptly to your door. Follow the easy instructions included for registering your test before you send in your sample(s).


2. Collect & 

Each at-home lab comes with detailed instructions for collecting your test sample(s) and returning them to one of our CLIA certified lab testing facilities.


3. Results &

Once your samples have been processed, you will receive an invitation through EquiLife’s Ayubowan app to schedule your one-on-one health coaching call to review your results in-depth.

Only 100 Kits Available!

Most months we try to give away 100 FREE At-Home Vitamin D3 Lab Tests (for those who are new to our practice…) to spread awareness of our Functional Medicine lab testing and its life-changing power.

Since this is such an incredible offer, we sell out of the labs every month. Usually, the test costs $99, but on this page, you can get it for FREE – only pay shipping…

If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But once these FREE labs are gone, you can only purchase them for $99 at EquiLife.
(Shipping cost includes return postage for your convenience)

It’s Time to Find Out Your 
Vitamin D3 Levels Today

Knowing your Vitamin D3 Score and optimizing it will potentially add years to your life.

This means that taking action today is crucial for overall health and wellness. At the end of the day, good health paves the way for happy memories with friends and family. It also leaves you with enough energy to excel at your career, have a good time with your friends, and make your kids proud.

I’ve seen how minor tweaks based on your Vitamin D3 levels can lead to a healthy lifestyle and bring about remarkable improvements in people’s health. I want the same for you.

Reserve Your Free At-Home 
Vitamin D3 Lab Test Today!

Stephen Cabral

Copyright Cabral Research, LLC

By accessing or using any page on StephenCabral.com, you have agreed that you have read, understood, and will abide by the 
Terms of Use, Full Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, Affiliate Disclosure.

The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

Results featured on this web site are atypical. As individuals differ, so will results. Equilibrium Nutrition and the products featured on this website distribute product lines made with natural ingredients. Always check with your doctor for risks associated with dietary supplements and your specific health conditions and/or allergies.

Cabral Research, LLC
540 Tremont St,
Suite 9
Boston, MA 02116
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.