(Only 100 Free Test Kits Available Per Month)

Inflammation "The Silent Killer"

FREE At-Home Lab Test Shows Your Omega-3 Levels & Inflammatory Omega-6's
FREE At-Home Lab Test Shows Your Omega-3 Levels & Inflammatory Omega-6's

As Seen On:

Reserve your Inflammation
Score Test today while supplies last!

PLUS instant access to all of these bonuses now!


Worth $47
All completed lab results will come with an anti-inflammatory digital food guide when the results are in. This will be a simple to follow food list of the most anti-inflammatory foods and easy ways to add them to your daily nutrition plan (no matter what diet you follow).


Worth $38
If you’re going to take an Omega-3 supplement, I’d like to share with you the research and science behind what products work and what don’t. It’s straight forward and will save you the time, effort, and frustration of deciding what the supplement facts panel (SFP) should look like. Again, this will all be clearly laid out on your Inflammation Score results page.


Worth $27
In this exclusive guide you will find the top-rated foods that rank the highest in omega-3s. Plus, I will break down which ones are easiest to absorb and make the biggest difference when looking to improve your omega-6 to omega-3 inflammation score.

Total bonus value: $112

60-Day Money
Back Guarantee

We know that you're going to love the valuable insights you will gain from running this at-home inflammation lab test. But if for any reason you’re dissatisfied, you can send us back the unused testing kit within 60 days for a full refund.

We put people over profits and believe in being the #1 online resource for finally taking back control of your health.

60-Day Money
Back Guarantee

We know that you're going to love the valuable insights you will gain from running this at-home TSH lab test. But if for any reason you’re dissatisfied, you can send us back the unused testing kit within 60 days for a full refund.

We put people over profits and believe in being the #1 online resource for finally taking back control of your health.

Real Stories from Our Inflammation Test Takers

I knew I had inflammation in my body, but the test was so very insightful and allowed me to truly understand the exact level of inflammation. And with the consultation, I now know what I need to do to finally address this!

Jill R.

(Utica, NY, US)

I have done a few lab tests with Equi.life and this was the first one to really show an imbalance that needed to be addressed! My coach gave me lots of ideas of how to improve my results and for the past several months I have been implementing them and just submitted my retest. I can't wait to see the changes and get some more valuable advise from my coach!

Cassandra J.

(Denver, CO, US)

This will be the second inflammation test I’ve taken - looking forward to seeing the improvement that the diet changes and omega supplement have made!

Sarah S.

(Lakeville, MN, US)

What Is The At-Home 
Inflammation Lab Test All About?

The At-Home Inflammation test is an easy-to-do at-home test that helps to identify the Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio in your body. This ratio is an indication of how inflamed your body presently is, something that is not easy to figure out.
  • Fatigue
  • ​Poor endurance
  • Headaches
  • ​​Skin issues
  • ​Stiffness
  • ​Pain
  • ​​Brain fog
  • ​​​Auto-immune
  • ​​​Rapid aging
  • ​Low mood
  • ​​​​Sexual dysfunction
  • ​… and much more
  • Fatigue
  • ​Skin issues
  • ​Brain fog
  • ​​Low mood
  • Poor endurance
  • Stiffness
  • ​​Auto-immune
  • ​​​Sexual dysfunction
  • Headaches
  • ​Pain
  • ​​Rapid aging
  • ​​​… and much more

The test results

Include a detailed explanation of how you can quickly improve your inflammation score and start feeling healthier.

Once you are able to identify this ratio, we can help you lower your inflammation levels and have less brain fog, skin issues, bloating, and more.

When you take the At-Home Inflammation Score Lab test, you’re taking the first step towards the road to recovery and allows you the freedom to feel alive again while sticking to natural methods…

That means

01.Sleep deeply and wake up refreshed.

02.Discover foods that best nourish your body.

03.Reach your ideal weight effortlessly.

04.No more endless doctor visits for answers.

05.Experience a natural inner skin radiance.

06.Boost energy for family memories and career growth.

Hi, I'm



I developed my passion for health & wellness after going through severe health complications at the age of 17. I saw over 50 different doctors, tried over 100 different treatment protocols, but still saw no hope of recovery.

It wasn’t until I met an “alternative” health doctor whom explained to me how I got here and how I could become well again, that I began my recovery process. It was at this young age that I knew my life would be dedicated to helping others rebalance their bodies and renew their health.

I now have seen and overseen over 250,000 private client appointments through our Global Functional Medicine practice called EquiLife where we ship at-home lab tests, supplements, and wellness protocols to people all over the world. and he has become an authority on natural health with his top ranking podcast and international best selling book, the “Rain Barrel Effect”.

What Others Are Already Saying About 'At-Home Inflammation Test?'

We just received our inflammation lab tests and can’t wait to hear the results and see where we can continue to make improvements in our health.

Anna G.

(Sacramento, CA, US)

It helps that I have a nurse for a wife, but the inflammation test was very easy to understand, complete, and send back. Can't wait to see the results!

Tyson F.

(Craig, CO, US)

I love that the tests are easy to complete and provide step-by-step instructions. I am looking forward to getting out results.

Scott Y.

(Surprise, AZ, US)

Here’s Why You Should Be
Taking Inflammation Seriously

01.Inflammation is Linked to Chronic Diseases

According to research published in the journal Nature, chronic inflammation plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, and autoimmune diseases.

02.Negative Role in Metabolic Disorders

Research published in the journal Cell Metabolism reveals that inflammation disrupts metabolic homeostasis, leading to insulin resistance and the development of type 2 diabetes. 

03.It Impacts Aging

A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that chronic inflammation can accelerate aging by promoting cellular senescence and tissue damage.

04.Speeds up Cognitive Decline

A study published in JAMA Neurology found that higher levels of inflammatory markers in midlife were associated with an increased risk of dementia later in life.

The primary factors affecting inflammation are...

Every bite of food either increases or decreases the inflammatory total body burden known as your “O6:O3 inflammation score.”

The problem is most of us think we’re doing just fine with our nutrition…

We feel we eat healthy most of the time-

The problem is that eating healthy has a lot of different viewpoints, but your body doesn’t lie…

What truly matters is how your body is processing omega-6 (inflammatory) fatty acids to omega-3 (anti-inflammatory) fatty acids.

Contrary to what you may have heard, the truth is your body needs BOTH.

However, when your Omega-6s go above a 3:1 ratio from omega-6 to omega-3 that’s when we start to have a problem.

A big problem that eventually can lead to dis-ease in the body…

So, What’s The Average Inflammation Ratio for Americans?

Prepare to be shocked!

It currently stands at a staggering 18:1! This means that most Americans consume an excessive amount of omega-6 fatty acids compared to omega-3s, leading to a significant imbalance that promotes inflammation and poses a serious threat to our health.

This disproportion in the American diet is deeply concerning.

And we wonder why the US ranks last in all nations for health and lives on average 4-6 years less than other countries even though we outspend every other nation on earth on healthcare!

And that’s exactly why by the time people reach their 50s and 60s they’re on a handful of medications for everything from cholesterol, to blood pressure, to blood sugar, mood, and more…

Inflammation Ratio for Americans

There Is a Better Way

No, you don’t have to be perfect with your diet in order to master your inflammation score and heal your body…

You just need to know how far you are from achieving your 3:1 ratio and what will get you there.

The other good news is that I’ve seen people go from a 13:1 Inflammation Score (which is very common even for “healthy people”) to a 3:1 in just 6 weeks.

And after working with and overseeing over 250,000 health client appointments over the past 25 years I’d like to help you master your inflammation and lower your risk factors.

My goal is for you to live a life of:
  • Energy
  • ​Vibrancy
  • ​Ambition
  • Passion
  • ​​Health
  • Happiness
But in order to truly enjoy the type of health that brings satisfaction of living a great life you must have robust health and vitality.

This means you must reduce and master your inflammation levels.

Empowering Your Health With the Inflammation Lab Test

We Go Beyond Traditional Lab Results

At Equilife, we believe in complete wellness solutions which is why we offer:

In-Depth Insight

EquiLife labs are designed to provide detailed and thorough information so that you can understand your health at the deepest level, allowing you to finally get to the root cause of your biggest health concerns.

Actionable Information

Testing takes the guesswork out of your health and empowers you to make informed choices about your health. Along with your lab results will be a video by Dr. Cabral which provides you with a detailed explanation.

Certified Health Coaches

To ensure you feel confident about your lab findings, at your request EquiLife offers 1-on-1 Certified Health Coaching support to review your results with you and answer any questions you may have.

How to Test Your Inflammation Levels

Since you may be new to the world of Functional Medicine & Integrative Health, what I’d like do right now is share how myself and other Integrative Health Practitioners test precisely what your Inflammation Score is:

It’s called an Omega-3 Test and it looks at the levels of omega-6s and omega-3s in your blood PLUS it actually digs deeper into the most inflammatory omega-6 called arachadonic acid (you do not want this elevated) AND the most anti-inflammatory omega-3 called EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

It may sound complicated but it’s not at all.

The results looks like this:

My team has made it easy now for anyone to plainly see what their Inflammation score is for their Omega-6:Omega-3 ratio and their AA:EPA.

Plus, when you get your results we share with you the anti-inflammatory nutrition plan and foods that help shift your numbers a little, or a lot, depending on what is needed.

Best of all, this at-home lab test can be done in the privacy of your home with no needles - just a couple of drops of blood collected on the test card (it’s simple and just like testing your blood sugar).

Here’s How to Complete Your Lab

This lab can be done by anyone from 3 years old all the way to 100+.

Since inflammation affects us all I personally run this lab yearly and I also have my wife and two daughters do the same.

It’s better to know than to guess and hope for the best - especially when the solution is so easy to fix and how much your health depends on it.

Stop Guessing & Test

Inflammation IS the silent killer and it’s why knowledge is power.

Once you master your Inflammation Score and achieve the 3:1 you’ll know you’re right where you need to be…

That’s the peace of mind we’re all looking for.

How to Get Your Free Test Today

It’s as easy as 1-2-3…


Purchase & Register

After you check out with your at-home lab, it will arrive promptly to your door. Follow the easy instructions included for registering your test before you send in your sample(s).


Collect & Return

Each at-home lab comes with detailed instructions for collecting your test sample(s) and returning them to one of our CLIA certified lab testing facilities.


Results & Review

Once your samples have been processed, you will receive a video from Dr. Cabral that will provide you a detailed explanation of how to understand your individual results.

Reserve your Inflammation
Score Test today while supplies last!

Plus instant access to all of these bonuses now!


Worth $47
All completed lab results will come with an anti-inflammatory food guide when the results are in. This will be a simple to follow food list of the most anti-inflammatory foods and easy ways to add them to your daily nutrition plan (no matter what diet you follow).


Worth $38
If you’re going to take an Omega-3 supplement, I’d like to share with you the research and science behind what products work and what don’t. It’s straight forward and will save you the time, effort, and frustration of deciding what the supplement facts panel (SFP) should look like. Again, this will all be clearly laid out on your Inflammation Score results page.


Worth $27
In this exclusive guide you will find the top-rated foods that rank the highest in omega-3s. Plus, I will break down which ones are easiest to absorb and make the biggest difference when looking to improve your omega-6 to omega-3 inflammation score.

Total bonus value: $112

Only 100 Kits Available

Each month I reserve 100 free EquiLife® Inflammation Tests for those new to our practice.

If you’ve never run an at-home lab test with EquiLife® or experienced the true healing power of Integrative Health I would like to gift this lab to you.

Many years ago, I had a mentor show me the path to getting well after a decade of health struggles and now I simply want to share that with others, as she did for me…

Soo this lab can be purchased for the everyday retail price of $99 on this Omega-3 Inflammation Test page, or you can simply pay a small shipping & handling fee of $17.95 and get this lab free today while supplies last.

✅ This at-home lab also comes with a video tutorial of your results and recommendations based on your Inflammation Score.

Empowering Your Health With the Inflammation Lab Test 

60-Day Money
Back Guarantee

We know that you're going to love the valuable insights you will gain from running this at-home inflammation lab test. But if for any reason you’re dissatisfied, you can send us back the unused testing kit within 60 days for a full refund.

We put people over profits and believe in being the #1 online resource for finally taking back control of your health.

Your Privacy Matters

When you purchase an at-home lab from EquiLife® your results are NEVER shared with your health insurance, life insurance, pharmaceutical companies, your PCP, or anyone else beyond the processing lab, our team, and you.

We take privacy very seriously and that’s why I am also trying to provide an opportunity to run this lab outside of the typical data-sharing world of conventional medicine.

We are a family oriented practice and our 50+ team members not only use these at-home labs with their wellness clients, but also with their own families.

Plus, we only use world-class labs that take as much pride in helping people take back control of their health as we do.
I look forward to hearing your success story soon,



Frequently Asked Questions


Reserve your Inflammation Score Test today while supplies last!

Stephen Cabral

Copyright © 2023 Copyright Cabral Research, LLC

By accessing or using any page on StephenCabral.com, you have agreed that you have read, understood, and will abide by the Terms of Use, Full Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, Affiliate Disclosure.

The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

Results featured on this web site are atypical. As individuals differ, so will results. Equilibrium Nutrition and the products featured on this website distribute product lines made with natural ingredients. Always check with your doctor for risks associated with dietary supplements and your specific health conditions and/or allergies.

Cabral Research, LLC
540 Tremont St,
Suite 9
Boston, MA 02116
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.