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Eliminate Bloating, Brain Fog, Low Mood & Fatigue Without Fad Diets, Exhausting Exercise, Or Adding Dozens Of Supplements…”

“Discover The 6,000 Year Old Secret to Finally Getting Well, Losing Weight & Living Longer Without Giving Up Everything You Enjoy in Life.”
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What People Are Saying About the Rain Barrel Effect Book

Will This Book Change Your Life?

FROM: Dr. Stephen Cabral
Boston, MA

By my 18th birthday I had already given up on life

By that time, I had already been sick for a few months

I was SUFFERING from:
  • Brain Fog
  • ​Fibromyalgia
  • ​POTS Syndrome
  • ​Chronic Fatigue
  • ​Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • ​Type 2 Diabetes
  • Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
  • ​Chronic Sinus Infections
  • ​Food Sensitivities
  • Eczema
  • ​Bloating
  • ​Hot Flashes
  • Leaky Gut
  • ​Acid Reflux
  • ​SIBO & Candida
  • Environmental Allergies
  • ​Body Aches
  • ​Anxiety/Depression
And that’s only a partial listing…

So how could one person suffer from so many things?

That was my question and one that apparently no one had the answer to…

I was told by dozens of specialists and the “best” doctors in Boston that they couldn’t figure out what was causing all of this.

I was told my dis-eases were either “all in my head” or something conventional medicine was unsure how to fix permanently…

So, without a real answer I was given a handful of medications in hopes that one of them may miraculously hold the answer I was looking for.

None of them ever did…

The Breakthrough I Needed

This led me on a 10-year quest for the answers:
  • I read thousands of books.
  • ​Met with dozens of health practitioners.
  • ​Reached out to who would be my true mentor.
  • ​Went back to school to become a Doctor of Naturopathy
  • ​Studied all over the world (China, India, Sri Lanka, Europe & the US).
I became obsessed with finding the “cure…”
This went on for many years until finally I made a break through

After a chance encounter with a Functional Medicine doctor I was given hope!

Not the exact answer to make a full recovery, but I now understood there were underlying root causes holding me back from getting well again…

And if I figured out how to rebalance my body, I could finally heal my body and mind!
"I am so thankful for the teachings of Dr. Stephen Cabral in helping me to optimize my body and help me to understand how to keep myself healthy in the future! - So much value!"

I Finally Found The Answer

After one of my trips overseas interning in an Ayurvedic Clinic I uncovered what I would later realize to be my life’s work…
I discovered what has been hidden from us this whole time.
It’s the reason we continue to suffer and why “modern medicine” can’t help us heal chronic diseases (including helping us to lose weight permanently)
You see, in Ayurvedic Medicine (a 6,000 year old system of Indian healing science) the answer does not lie in what we add to the body.
Meaning the addition of more pills, potions, pharmaceuticals, and creams is not always the answer…
Instead, the truth is that in our modern society we suffer not from diseases of deprivation, but rather those of excess

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Total Body Burden

You have to keep in mind that our body was meant to heal itself.

We literally contain every mechanism inside of ourselves right now in order to overcome any health issue as long as we give the body exactly what it needs to do it’s job…

Once I realized this, I found out what my toxicities were and I gave my body (ie. liver) what it needed to remove these internal and external toxins.

Then, I figured out what my body was deficient in and I added those back in to further strengthen the healing process.
If you want to get well, lose weight, and live longer, the formula has already been proven over the past 6,000 years:

✅ Remove Your Toxicities

✅ Replace Your Deficiencies

If you want to get well, lose weight, and live longer, the formula has already been proven over the past 6,000 years:

✅ Remove Your Toxicities

✅ Replace Your Deficiencies

How to Rebalance Your Body

I know that may seem like an oversimplification, but don’t let the distilled core message dilute its power to transform your body and mind.

You can heal.

You will heal.

Your body just needs some help in getting started.

You simply need to follow the process involved in allowing your body to do what it was born to do

And that means - provide it with a simple set of building blocks that it can use to remove what shouldn’t be there and then rebuild itself with the proper nutrients needed to strengthen every system in the body.

This is exactly how I healed myself and have gone on to help thousands of others.

In my 2 Boston practices we have had the pleasure of completing over 250,000 wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging client appointments to help people rebalance their bodies and take back control of their lives.

And, for the first time ever I want you to have this same healing information:

"After reading The Rain Barrel Effect I felt like I truly found my north star of health. I finally found a path to wellness that fully resonated with me and didn't come with any of the trendy diets or labels"

The Rain Barrel Effect Revealed

I found my answers and I can honestly say that 20+ years later I literally feel better now than as a teenager!

I have more energy, brain power, stamina, strength, positivity, and vitality in my life than ever before.

Each year seems better than the last –

But in conventional medicine they say that this shouldn’t be possible…

So how can this be?

The answer lies in Emptying Your Rain Barrel by combining the best of state-of-the-art Functional Medicine with ancient Ayurvedic Medicine healing secrets.

In The Rain Barrel Effect (RBE) I will show you how.


I will forever be eternally grateful that I discovered them, and now I feel a deep sense of purpose that I must pass them forward.

That is why I wrote this book and it’s why I’m offering it to you today for free (you just pay the shipping & handling).

I personally do not feel like I should be charging for this information, which is why I’m offering the initial first edition of The Rain Barrel Effect for free.

The truths inside this book were shared with me and I was then able to bring it back to the US, assimilate it, and combine it with advanced Functional Medicine in order to help people rebalance their bodies.

I then proved it to work over the past decade.

And now I want you to enjoy the same health and vitality!

Get your copy of The Rain Barrel Effect shipped to you...

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Find Out What’s Inside For You

In The Rain Barrel Effect you will discover:

All of this and so much more is waiting for you to uncover in The Rain Barrel Effect and I can’t wait to mail out your copy today!

  •   The Top 10 Toxic Enemies: The hidden environmental (and internal) toxins that no one ever talks about, but are the top leading cause of all dis-ease including cancer and Alzheimer’s. (pg. 20)
  • Toxic Foods: Discover which foods you should never eat if you’re looking to rebalance your body and regain your health or ideal body shape. (pg. 44)
  •  How Toxic Are You: To find out how quickly your body may get well, lose the weight, or begin the anti-aging rejuvenation process it’s best to figure out what your Rain Barrel Effect score is. This is your first place to start the healing process. (pg 140.)
  •  How to Eat Right for Every Type: Not only will I provide you with a list of the healthiest foods in the world to consume, but I also lay out a plan of what your ideal day of eating will look like based on your goals.
  •  How to Choose the Best Exercise Routine for You: Healthy, strong, lean bodies are sculpted from the life you live and overdoing it in the gym is not needed and can sometimes even be counter-productive. I’ll show you all you need to maximize your results. (pg. 195)
  •  How to Decrease Stress: Stress really is the silent killer that conventional medicine refuses to acknowledge. This is unfortunate since no other internal process causes more “endotoxins”, which is why in the Rain Barrel Effect I’ll show you realistic ways to undo stress and enjoy life more! (pg. 205)
  •  How to Remove Toxins from Your Everyday Life: Until you read the RBE you would never have imagined all the toxic products surrounding us every day. The good news is there are easy, inexpensive substitutes for all these toxic products that harm us and our loved ones. This awareness and knowledge is must-have information… (pg. 228)
  •  How to Reset Your Sleep Cycle: If you’re looking to rebalance your body, lower healthy sugar and inflammation levels, and rejuvenate every cell in your body, you must get good quality, deep sleep each night. As a former insomniac, I’ll show you exactly how to do this. (pg. 289)
  •  How to Increase Your Happiness: My goal is to not just help you get well or lose weight, but instead I want you to enjoy the total package - I want you to begin to love life again! Let me show you how… (pg. 316)
  •  How to Create the Mindset That Leads to Success: One of the biggest obstacles holding people back from creating the body and life they want isn’t necessarily the information, but rather the implementation – In The Rain Barrel Effect I’ll explain to you how to take charge of your life! (pg. 337)
  •  The 21-Day Plan to Your New Life: In the final part of The Rain Barrel Effect you will learn how to begin getting results fast – within 21 days. The reason I want you to enjoy a quick win is so that you feel the healing power right away, which will then allow you to use that motivation to achieve even greater results! This is the same plan I use every day in my Functional Medicine practice. (pg. 357)
  •  Simplified Success Resources: In order to make this transformation easy (and fun!) I’m going to give you my private practice resource rolodex which includes the same products and recommendations that my family, friends, private clients, and I use in our lives. I’ll even give you a list of simplified “cheat sheets” that you can print out and follow along with… (pg. 385)
  • All of this and so much more is waiting for you to uncover in he Rain Barrel Effect and I can’t wait to mail out your copy today!

Find Out What’s Inside For You

In The Rain Barrel Effect you will discover:
  •   The Top 10 Toxic Enemies: The hidden environmental (and internal) toxins that no one ever talks about, but are the top leading cause of all dis-ease including cancer and Alzheimer’s. (pg. 20)
  • Toxic Foods: Discover which foods you should never eat if you’re looking to rebalance your body and regain your health or ideal body shape. (pg. 44)
  •  How Toxic Are You: To find out how quickly your body may get well, lose the weight, or begin the anti-aging rejuvenation process it’s best to figure out what your Rain Barrel Effect score is. This is your first place to start the healing process. (pg 140.)
  •  How to Eat Right for Every Type: Not only will I provide you with a list of the healthiest foods in the world to consume, but I also lay out a plan of what your ideal day of eating will look like based on your goals.
  •  How to Choose the Best Exercise Routine for You: Healthy, strong, lean bodies are sculpted from the life you live and overdoing it in the gym is not needed and can sometimes even be counter-productive. I’ll show you all you need to maximize your results. (pg. 195)
  •  How to Decrease Stress: Stress really is the silent killer that conventional medicine refuses to acknowledge. This is unfortunate since no other internal process causes more “endotoxins”, which is why in the Rain Barrel Effect I’ll show you realistic ways to undo stress and enjoy life more! (pg. 205)
  •  How to Remove Toxins from Your Everyday Life: Until you read the RBE you would never have imagined all the toxic products surrounding us every day. The good news is there are easy, inexpensive substitutes for all these toxic products that harm us and our loved ones. This awareness and knowledge is must-have information… (pg. 228)
  •  How to Reset Your Sleep Cycle: If you’re looking to rebalance your body, lower healthy sugar and inflammation levels, and rejuvenate every cell in your body, you must get good quality, deep sleep each night. As a former insomniac, I’ll show you exactly how to do this. (pg. 289)
  •  How to Increase Your Happiness: My goal is to not just help you get well or lose weight, but instead I want you to enjoy the total package - I want you to begin to love life again! Let me show you how… (pg. 316)
  •  How to Create the Mindset That Leads to Success: One of the biggest obstacles holding people back from creating the body and life they want isn’t necessarily the information, but rather the implementation – In The Rain Barrel Effect I’ll explain to you how to take charge of your life! (pg. 337)
  •  The 21-Day Plan to Your New Life: In the final part of The Rain Barrel Effect you will learn how to begin getting results fast – within 21 days. The reason I want you to enjoy a quick win is so that you feel the healing power right away, which will then allow you to use that motivation to achieve even greater results! This is the same plan I use every day in my Functional Medicine practice. (pg. 357)
  •  Simplified Success Resources: In order to make this transformation easy (and fun!) I’m going to give you my private practice resource rolodex which includes the same products and recommendations that my family, friends, private clients, and I use in our lives. I’ll even give you a list of simplified “cheat sheets” that you can print out and follow along with… (pg. 385)
  • All of this and so much more is waiting for you to uncover in he Rain Barrel Effect and I can’t wait to mail out your copy today!

So What to Do Next

As I mentioned before this book really is free…

I simply ask that you help me get this book to you by covering the shipping & handling.

There is no catch.

I know you may be skeptical and I completely understand that…

There are a lot of people online trying to sell you monthly membership programs or “free trials”, which then hook you into a monthly billed subscription.

I have no intention of doing that, nor do I believe in it.

My hope is simply that after you read this book you’ll then share this healing message with someone else…


I got well, healed myself, and now live a life I could have only dreamed about.

I want everyone that is open to that message to share in those same results.
Plus, I’m not an online marketer…

I run 2 busy practices in Boston, MA where we complete over 20,000 appointments per year locally, as well as all over the world using Skype video consultations.

My mission is not to sell books, but rather to spread a message of hope and healing that if you can change your body, you can change your life!

This is why I urge you to join me today while I’m giving away the first printing of The Rain Barrel Effect (while supplies last).

It's Time To Act Now

After our initial “give-away” of The Rain Barrel Effect we will not be able to continue to give the book away for free…
The information will still be made available (and 100% of all profits are donated to charity), but the price will double due to the cost of printing (there are 41 images in this book!).
So, in order to not miss out - Get your free copy today while we are in stock. (Retails for $19.95)
Right now, I’m probably more excited than you for you to get your copy of this book and that’s because I have seen how the information in The Rain Barrel Effect can transform lives…


I wish you the best of health & happiness,
Dr. Stephen Cabral
Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy
Ayurvedic & Functional Medicine Practitioner

Limited-Edition Copies
After our initial “give-away” of The Rain Barrel Effect we will not be able to continue to give the book away for free…

The information will still be made available (and 100% of all profits are donated to charity), but the price will double due to the cost of printing (there are 41 images in this book!).

So, in order to not miss out - Get your free copy today while we are in stock.
(Retails for $19.95)

Right now, I’m probably more excited than you for you to get your copy of this book and that’s because I have seen how the information in The Rain Barrel Effect can transform lives…

And I can’t wait to hear your personal success story soon!

To get started on your own wellness, weight loss, and/or anti-aging transformation simply click the button below and if you have any questions along the way you can easily reach us at  support@stephencabral.com - we’re here to help!

I wish you the best of health & happiness,

Dr. Stephen Cabral

Doctor of Naturopathy

Ayurvedic & Functional Medicine Practitioner

PS. To sum up what you just read:

  • I’m going to mail you my life’s work, The Rain Barrel Effect, for FREE.
  • ​It retails for $19.95, but I just ask you to help cover the shipping & handling.
  • ​You're also going to receive $240 worth of bonuses for FREE
  • ​This book will show you how to get well, lose the weight, and live longer and stronger!
  • ​That’s my promise to you and I have no doubt you’re going to get the results you’re looking for after discovering what’s inside The Rain Barrel Effect (along with the surprise bonuses).
Thank you for allowing me to share my mission with you and pass forward what I was fortunate enough to discover myself in order to heal my body from the inside out.

Now it’s your turn to take control of your body (and mind) and start living the life you only dreamed of!

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Plus instant access to all of these bonuses now!

A Snapshot of RBE Success Stories

Here are just a handful of unsolicited testimonials from all those putting into practice the principles contained within The Rain Barrel Effect:

Now it’s time to write your own success story!

Don’t miss this last chance to get your free copy of The Rain Barrel Effect while supplies last:

Stephen Cabral

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The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

Results featured on this web site are atypical. As individuals differ, so will results. Equilibrium Nutrition and the products featured on this website distribute product lines made with natural ingredients. Always check with your doctor for risks associated with dietary supplements and your specific health conditions and/or allergies.

Cabral Research, LLC
540 Tremont St, 
Suite 9
Boston, MA 02116
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.